Userlevel:Admin:Vision and Strategy

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Vision and Strategy

Mission Statement

The mission of ShareHim is to stimulate a change of mindset of how evangelism should be an ongoing and integral part of our lives through simple but focused friendships through which we share our christian experience and knowledge of God and His saving power.


  • Give people an experience
  • Provide material
  • Train people
  • Provide a rich website to help carry through our goals

Methods Used

  • Friendship teams
  • Prayer & Friendship booklets
  • Lay people training
  • Pastors training
  • Making Kingdom Friends seminars
  • Make other resources and guides available to lay people, pastors, conferences
    • Sermons
    • Evangelistic material for youth
    • Sowing Resource Catalogue
    • Advertising material
  • Blog/Facebook/Twitter of stories and experiences from people who have done something
  • Newsletter with stories and experiences from people who have done something
  • International campaign experience
  • Encourage sowing events
  • Encourage reaping events
  • Lay-Evangelism Festival

Most of the activities are managed on and supported through our website(s).

Website Wireframes

  • [See separate documents]


Other concerns

If we don't identify each speaker specifically:
- cannot draw any connections between intl and homeland
- cannot automatically accept people who have done intl in a homeland campaign
- cannot do follow up with each speaker
- cannot do any tracking of being trained or not
- speaker-initiated are identified, pastor-entered are not

I would think the issue is not so much the amount of info that pastors need to enter, but more the steps they have to go through

If not tracking people why even ask for their names & addr when we are only going to need it for sending the discs?!
If we dont register people we cannot follow up on them and obtain our goal of changing their mindset reg evangelism.
AT LEAST we should have their email!