Userlevel:Admin:Procedures:Set up new homeland conference

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Set up new homeland conference

Conference need to...

  • Send a letter from the president indicating their desire to participate with ShareHim.
  • Suggest a date to meet with all their pastors for at least 3-4 hours in the morning to include:
    • a presentation explaining Making Kingdom Friends.
    • a time for interfacing with the pastors to show them how to enter all activities.
  • The conference would need to acquire a Dymo LabelWriter before we come to be sure they are ready to print out address and serial number labels while we're there and give the sets of sermons to the pastors (the supply provided to them must be registered on our website).
  • Provide information on church and pastors, whether they already have a database with it, or if we need to manually enter it. Manually entering it substantially increases the risk for failing to succeed with the program, since information can quickly become outdated and useless.
  • Provide the name and contact information for the person designated by the conference as the evangelistic coordinator with whom we would interface.

Technical set up

  • Ensure conference in listed on ShareHim website, with the OrgMastID and AdmFieldID from AdventistDirectory
  • Get contact information for president, treasurer, and secretary (name and e-mail)
  • NAD only: get eAdventist clerk contact info
  • Get conference organizer(s)/sector leaders contact info:
    • name
    • address
    • phone numbers
    • e-mail address
    • home church
    • whether or not this person should be receiving e-mails about new applicants (minimum one conf org and one leader for each sector must receive mail)
  • Determine sectors to be set up
  • NAD only: get eAdventist authorization
  • Allow pastors to make final decision for accepting speakers? With or without notification to conference organizer?
  • Set up sectors in system
  • NAD  : get list of churches and pastors up-to-date through eAdventist
  • Non-NAD: get list of churches and pastors up-to-date through ShareHim website
  • Contact conference and schedule launch sequence if not already done (ministers meetings, rallies, boot camps)

Instruct the pastors

  • How to install Making Kingdom Friends material
  • How to use the website (use a pastor login and ensure all initial setup has been completed so that the demo will be linear)
    • Approve applicants
    • Login / reset password
    • Add campaign date
    • Add person
    • Assign campaign date
    • Change campaign date
    • Order Prayer & Friendship booklets (and app download)
    • Add sowing events
    • Help / chat / phone number

Instruct the conference organizers

  • What happens when people apply to be accepted and when they are assigned to sites
    • Serial number requirements
  • How to use the website
    • Update church list (enter new churches and pastors, enter local IDs, etc)
    • Add/delete/edit campaign sites
    • Add people
    • Assign people to sites
    • Send e-mail to all the pastors
  • Give them a serial number they can use to see the sermons and help pastors when they call in
Outside NAD:
  • Explain the process of serial numbers and material to be shipped
    • How to print out address and serial number labels