God Uses The Willing

September 30 2007 / ShareHim in Kauai #217
by George Akana

Personal Testimony of George Akana.

When our Pastor, Dennis Miller, made known his plan to start evangelistic meetings on our island, the immediate reaction from some of the members, including myself, was to support his plan. But as Pastor Miller explained that he wanted the members to participate in preaching the gospel, a few of us began to question the plan among ourselves. I could not imagine me standing before a group preaching the gospel, night after night, a total of 18 sermons. However when the time got closer to decide who would do the preaching, a struggle was going on inside me, and I was hoping that someone, other than myself, would step forward. A few volunteered to be greeters, registration, and sound crew, but no one to preach. There were three of us left, the Pastor, the Head Elder, and me. I could sense the Holy Spirit nudging me inside. But I kept resisting it. It was an awful feeling fighting the Holy Spirit. Finally when the time came for a volunteer to preach, I spoke out and said, "If no one wants to do it, I will." I think the Spirit's urging promted me to speak out. When I got home I got on my knees and asked God for His blessings and forgiveness and calling on Him for wisdom, understanding, and courage. Finally, on April 13, 2007 we started the meetings in Waimea town at the Smokey Valley Clubhouse. I was very nervous because I had never experienced this situation before. I remember saying to the Holy Spirit, "You will never let me fail." He didn't. He used me in a way that I thought was not possible. Every night as I spoke I could sense His presence leading me. There was never a night that we didn't have a visitor. And by the end of the meetings we had one decision for baptism. When we are sincere and honest in preaching His word He will never stop working for us to finish His ministry.
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