Unsolicited Responses to Bible-based Presentations

November 12 2014 #646
by Jerry Sandel

Campaign Site Narrative. The speaker assigned to this site was Jerry Sandel.

Columbia Mall, Bloomsburg, PA. A vacant store front was the Columbia Mall, Bloomsburg, PA. A vacant storefront was the site for a 22 night series of Bible-based presentations using the ShareHim materials. Opening night saw 21 guests from the communities surrounding Bloomsburg. Guest attendance peaked on the third night of the series at 27. The guests were enthusiastic about the messages presented by Jerry Sandel, First Elder of the Danville SDA Church. Approximately 17 guests attended the majority of the meetings with 8 indicating a desire to prepare for baptism when the invitation was given on the closing night.

During the series the guests, presenter, meeting staff and church members who were in attendance became well acquainted with one another, and many of the guests shared how the presentations were affecting them on a nightly basis. All of the guests were members of local non-SDA churches and expressed that they had no desire to leave them. Still, one couple decided to keep the seventh-day Sabbath in their home after learning about it.

For another couple, the meetings triggered a spiritual renewal for the husband. He had not gone to church with his wife for several years, but had perfect attendance at the ShareHim presentations, even attending alone on several nights when his wife could not be with him. She stated repeatedly that she could see that her husband was being changed by the meetings. She herself said that she finally had peace after learning the true condition of man in death. She had discovered this precious truth on her own, but the meetings confirmed her study. This meant much to her since this couple had lost their 44-year-old son to a sudden heart attack earlier this year.

Recordings of the meetings are being given to many people who are eager to hear the messages even though they could not attend the meetings. Follow up work continues with both those who attended the meetings and those who could not. Only time will reveal the long-term impact of these meetings.
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