ShareHim Newsletter
March/April 2012
Resigning from Retirement Luis Leonor
After a lifetime as pastor and administrator in the Central America and Lake Unions, Elder Luis Leonor looked forward to time with his family and continuing evangelism in the countries where he had worked. But God had other plans. Elder Bob Folkenberg invited Luis to his home to explain the ShareHim concept to him, and Leonor's plans took a turn. "I fell in love with the program and on that day my retirement was over, " he says.
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What's New from ShareHim
Sermon Handouts When the His Way of Hope sermon materials were released, you requested sermon handouts for these materials. Until recently, these have not been available. However, new and improved handouts for "His Way of Hope" are now complete in the English language! This allows presentation attendees to have a study-guide they can take home and continue to deepen their understanding of the precious truths you have taught them.
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Fears, Tears, and Missionary Revival
 Missionaries Praying
Five students from Hong Kong Adventist College took the challenge to share Christ in the Philippines. All spoke halting English. Yet through the Spirit's blessing, they saw 38 people baptized, backsliders return to God, and the students, themselves, were changed.
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With Love, From: Heaven The Angel's Brother
Pedro Ribeiro was doing a ShareHim series at the Santa Lucia church in Guinea Bissau. One night, as the receptionists were at the door recording the names of visitors, a stranger handed them a piece of paper with a name and address on it.

"Tell the evangelist to visit this man," he said. "He is my brother."
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