May/June 2012
Pathfinders Light THE Way New Port Richey Church Pathfinders
There was something unusual about the evangelistic series held this spring at New Port Richey, Fla., Church. The sermon titles were the usual topics, and even the theme, His Way of Hope, was familiar; yet, something was definitely different!
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Days from Death
Genteil and her Mother As if preaching 19 sermons in 16 days wasn?t grueling enough, Dr. Llewellyn Williams and his extended family held free daily clinics that served 1,600 people. One day, he longed to take a vacation but forced himself to persist. That day a woman came, carrying a severely burned toddler. He realized the infant was only days from death.
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What's New: Intentional Discipleship through Prayer and Friendship
Prayer and Friendship Apps
Too often the word Evangelism means public preaching, foreign missionary work, or revival meetings -- professional preachers work. What if evangelism wasn't some professional's job or a tele-cast event? Could evangelism happen while playing a round of golf, working out at the gym, or paying a visit to your neighbors?
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Double-Duty, Double Blessings
Last Night Participants
Rob Benardo, pastor of the Central Valley church in Fresno, California, combines evangelism with discipleship (evangelship) to describe his unique method of evangelism. The church "is primarily Filipino but is wanting to grow multi-culturally". More ... Arrow