ShareHim Newsletter
September 2012
Student Edition
Student Edition Every year, ShareHim, in partnership with the Quiet Hour, makes it possible for young people to go to far away countries to preach. This year over 230 college students and many additional high schoolers went forth to fulfill the gospel commission, not realizing that in the end, the gospel would change their lives. Whether abroad or within the homeland youth, of any age, committed to His work, can do big things. Please enjoy these next two special student editions of our newsletter.
Life Lessons from Panama
Not all learning occurs in the classroom, as a group of high school students from Pioneer Memorial Church discovered. This group spent parts of July and August of this year on a ShareHim trip to Panama learning lessons that will influence the rest of their lives. More ... Arrow
Daniel Preaching
Learning From Serving Each Other
Michael Chen with his audience

For Michael Chen the 2-week campaign meant many firsts — first time in a foreign country, first time preaching, first time seeing a starry sky. Even the first time riding on rough roads and falling off a motorcycle. But the sermons were the greatest challenge. "I could do nothing but pray to God continually," he says. "He taught me how to preach every night."'

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Catch the Spark, Bring Home the Flame

A recent graduate of Penn State had a job offer from Mack truck. At the interview, the graduate explained that he and his wife were signed up for a three-week mission trip within a month. He continued saying he understood that, if he were offered the job he would not qualify for a vacation. However, he still felt compelled to join the trip. More ... Arrow


Baptism in the Dominican Republic