Dear Friends of ShareHim,

As this year comes to a close, even though we at ShareHim have many exciting plans for next year, our hearts are heavy. As you may know, last week Elder Robert Folkenberg Sr., our founder and former director, went to sleep in Jesus. Bob was both a friend and an inspiration to so many, and he will be deeply missed. The Adventist Review has published an article commemorating his life and ministry.

Bob had an unwavering passion for the lost, and it is that same passion that drives us forward. As Bob often said, sharing the Good News is NOT optional. It is our duty, privilege, and joy as followers of Christ to tell those around us what God has done for us.

Soon Christ will return! We will rejoin those who now sleep in Him. While time remains, let us use the time, energy, and resources God has granted us to share our blessed hope.

May God bless you this coming year as you share Jesus with those in your mission field.

In Christ,
Pr. Jeremiah Weeks, Director

P.S.  Several of you have contacted us about making a gift in Elder Folkenberg’s honor. You can click here to do so. Your tax-deductible donations postmarked or made online or by phone today will be receipted in 2015. Thank you so much for your support.