Userlevel:Conf-sector-organizer:Entering OLT members
From ShareHim Documentation
[hide]Enter and manage team members
- There are links to the page for managing OLT members from different places, but one place is under the Church List on your main menu. Then click the popup menu icon next to the church and select Manage OLT members.
- Here you will see a list of current members in the top, if any. Next you'll see the section for adding new members.
Add a member
- First we need to check if the person is already listed in the database. Next to the first section, search for the person by following the instructions in the "How to search" below the search field.
- As you start typing the name you will see matches listed below the field. If you see the person you are looking for, click on the name with your mouse.
- If this person is a leader or secretary of this team, select that in the status dropdown box.
- Click the Add button.
- If the person is not found, go to section two instead.
- Enter as much information as you can.
- Click the Add button.
Edit a member
- Click the popup menu icon next to the person's name and select Edit person.
- Complete and correct any needed information.
- Click the Save button in the top or bottom of the page.
Remove a member
- Click the popup menu icon next to the person's name and select Remove member.
- Confirm that you want to remove the member.
- The person will still be in the database but will no longer be a member of this team.
Leaders & secretaries
A team might have designated leaders and secretaries who have certain responsibilities. These can also be indicated as such in the system.
- In the popup menu next to a person's name you can Set as leader, Set as secretary, or Unset leader/secretary.
OLT clerks
A team can also have a so-called OLT clerk. This person will be able to perform all the same functions in the system as the pastor can do, thereby functioning as a kind of secretary for the pastor to help him in his work. Before a team member can do this, he/she must be designated as an OLT clerk in the system.
- In the popup menu next to the person's name select Set as OLT clerk. The same menu can always be used to remove that status from the member.