Evangelism Teams near Winnipeg, Manitoba Share the Gospel in Their Communities

September 18 2007 / ShareHim in Winnipeg #205
by Jill Weeks

Personal Testimony of Rolando Gonzales.

In March 2007, three lay-lead evangelistic reaping events took place simultaneously near Winnipeg, Manitoba. The campaigns were the result of the hard work and planning of the three churches involved. In each case, a team was organized in the church that tackled the job of developing interest leads in the community in preparation for the two-week evangelistic campaign. The meetings generated excitement in both the church members and the guests who came out to hear the Good News about Jesus Christ.

Tom Nepjuk and Brent Dobbin were the team-preachers for the Henderson Highway campaign site. Through the Holy Spirit’s power, Tom and Brent’s enthusiasm about sharing the Gospel led to further Bible study interests being generated from among the attendees.

In Silver Heights, Dorothy Wollmann and Garry Eugene shared the responsibility of preaching. Dorothy was so excited about the campaign in Silver Heights that she signed up to preach another campaign a bit further from home. She is traveling with ShareHim in the fall of 2007 to preach near Kiev, Ukraine.

Rolando Gonzales preached the series at West Park and was thrilled to see five people follow Christ in baptism during the meetings. There can be no doubt that God is blessing His people in Manitoba and is using them to bring an urgent message in this important time!
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