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Sermon Notes & Graphics

The sermon series produced by ShareHim are:
  • Truth for Today, Hope for Tomorrow
  • His Way of Hope
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ShareHim sermon material is available exclusively through ShareHim for speakers in their home area and for ShareHim organized international field schools.

For questions please contact us.

Sermon Order  •  Decision Cards  •  Appeal Songs

Only for Truth for Today, Hope for Tomorrow sermon series:
Only for His Way of Hope sermon series:
Pastor's Making Kingdom Friends material:

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Sermon Handouts

The sermon handouts provide a review of each sermon, with key thoughts, Bible texts, and thoughts for reflection.
You are welcome to download these handouts in Adobe Acrobat format:

For Truth for Today, Hope for Tomorrow sermon series:
For His Way of Hope sermon series:
If you have a printer that can do two-sided printing, please make sure you set your printer driver to the two-sided printing setting before you print out these handouts.

Evangelistic Material for Youth

Young Disciples, a supportive ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, has - with the consent of ShareHim - taken the Truth for Today, Hope for Tomorrow evangelistic material and adapted it for a young audience. We highly recommend you check out this valuable youth ministry material for your church:

Community Interest Survey

To find out what people are interested in in your area, we have a ready-made survey sheet you can print out and use.

Abundant Living Health Nuggets

PowerPoint health talks are available to be used as part of your evangelism campaigns. Health Education Resources offers short 12-15 minute health "nuggets". These talks are available in "western" or "village" versions. The western version deals with more common health issues for developed countries such as heart disease, exercise, High blood pressure, diabetes, stress, weight management, etc. The village series also includes talks on more common "third world" health issues such as child nutrition, parasites, sanitation, etc. For information and a complete list of topics visit or call them at 423-290-3737 or 423-949-8211. These health talks are compatible with the Presentation Synchronizer software. If you already have these talks and want to use them with the Synchronizer software you may contact Health Education Resources for the upgrade CD. You will need version 3.1 or later of the Presentation Synchronizer software.

Health Education Resources also offers the materials needed to conduct a Health Expo as part of your compaign. These health expos are a tremendous way to establish good will and promote your meetings by inviting people from the community in for free health information, assessments, etc. Visit or call us for more information.

Outreach Leadership Teams (OLT)

If you are thinking of organizing an Outreach Leadership Team to mobilize your church to embrace an ongoing cycle of evangelism, then these documents will help you understand it's function and job description:
Also available in German: Purpose (Ziel und Aktivitäten)

Prayer & Friendship Booklets

To help organizing your outreach to other people you can use our Prayer & Friendship app on your mobile, free of charge. Android version is available from Google Play. iPhone version is available from the Apple store. You can also just search the stores for "ShareHim". The app allows you to put names of people you want to pray for, track activities you do with them, and keep a list of answered prayer requests.

Sowing Resource Catalogue (SRC)

ShareHim has put together a catalogue with resources for maintaining a cycle of evangelism in your church. This catalogue, now in fourth edition as of December 2008, is especially focused on resources for helping your church do the sowing work (or pre-campaign work) that is needed before a reaping event. Please click here to download it for free (PDF format).

New Believer Discipleship Material (From Guide Magazine)

Welcome To God's Family

ShareHim Theme Song

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Download or stream the ShareHim theme song to your computer free of charge!
The soundtrack without any singing is also available for download or stream.
We also have a video with the music, script, and slideshow (right-click and select Save Link/Target As).
The sheet music can be downloaded with lyrics.
Soundtrack only

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Flash is required to view this media. Download Here.


In case you are going on a ShareHim campaign but did not register on our website you are not covered by the travel insurance ShareHim purchases for the participants. If you don't have your own insurance you can buy a Short-Term Travel Insurance from Adventist Risk Management.
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