The Ripple Effect; Catching the Fire in Panama City, Florida

September 18 2007 / ShareHim in Panama City Beach, FL #208
by Jill Weeks

Campaign Site Narrative from Panama City Beach Campaign, Panama City Beach, FL. The speaker assigned to this site was Richard Caprario.

Rick Caprario had never preached a series of evangelistic meetings when he agreed to become part of a team that would be preaching in Panama City, Florida in April 2007. Rick was assigned to preach in a school in Panama City Beach. Since he had not been trained as a professional evangelist, some might say that Rick was not an ideal candidate to preach a series of reaping meetings in the United States. However, God uses those who are willing and are committed to working for Him.

And God certainly did use Rick! As a result of the meetings held in Panama City, three former members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church renewed their interest in God’s word. Two of these people are taking Bible studies, and the other is now attending the local church regularly and has made the decision to follow Jesus. Since the end of the campaign, one of these re-committed members has chosen to hold home meetings in order to invite others to follow Christ. Rick’s willingness to be used by God has resulting in a “ripple effect” in Panama City through which other will continue to be led to the Lord.
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