My God is So Big

September 26 2007 / ShareHim in Kenya D, Aug. 24 - Sep. 8 '07 #212
by Denisa Raluca Visan

Personal Testimony of Denisa Raluca Visan.

"My God is So Big" is not only the title of a song that I used to sing with Kenyan children, it is the feeling that I had every night during this campaign. Every night was special with special problems. One night when we arrived at the site everything seems to be okay. We had electricity, light, sound, music, people...but when we plugged in the cables the equipment didn't work. For more than a half an hour we tried to understand what was going on with the equipment, because we had power. After changing cables, plug them in and unplug them we said, "God we just can't do more. We don't know what we can do. It's your problem now." That's the moment when I saw a picture on the screen. The equipment finally started working. And in that very moment the children standing in front of me started to sing "My God is So Big" That was overwhelming. It was awesome! Those children realized what was going on there. The devil tried so hard to cause problems, but God was far stronger then he was.
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