The Devil Can't Stop a Baptism

September 29 2007 / ShareHim in Nicaragua-B, Jun. 15 - Jun. 30 '07 #215
by Tiana Wood

Personal Testimony of Tiana Wood.

I have wanted to go on mission trip since I was a little girl. Hearing people talk about their stories and testimonies got me excited! When I was 14 years old, I found out about a mission trip that was going to be with Teens 4 Missions to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in 2006, and I didn't give 5 seconds of hesitation! I knew I wanted to go, and this was my chance to go on a mission trip and come back with my own story to tell! So I signed up, and prayed that God would provide the money to go.
I wouldn't be alone on this trip, Katie Hickman {a friend from my church who told me about this mission trip} and my mother would join me. In May 2006, just 1 month before our trip we had our $5,000 to go, and it was all funded from our church!

This year I knew that another mission trip was definite. Katie Hickman and I rounded up 7 more people to go with us this year to Managua, Nicaragua in June, 2007. We fundraised all of the $15,000 that was needed and we were off!

It was incredible, more amazing then my first mission trip one year ago. I saw God work in ways that had me in awe. One night while my partner Melina and I were at our meetings, we had a man who was going to be baptized that very night by our pastor. When we were just about to begin our song service, I heard a noise and turned around only to find that this man was falling out of his chair onto the concrete in what we thought was a heart attack. Some of the elders gathered quickly and began to fan him and try to help him out of this attack. We began to pray that the Lord would intervene and help this man. He started to calm down and regain normality. We carried him over to the grass and the elders continued to help him while we attempted to start are meeting for the second time that night. We found out that he had epilepsy and had seizures similar to this one, but the most interesting thing is, the doctor arrived within 5 minutes and checked his blood pressure and pulse and they were completely normal. I believe that the devil had different plans for that man, so that he would not get baptized that night. But praise the Lord--he was baptized anyway! By the end of our campaign, 64 people were baptized. Since then, 26 more have been baptized as a result of our campaign.

I would recommend that anyone who is willing to be an open vessel for God should go and be apart of a mission trip. Let's get God's message out to the world so we can go home!
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