God’s Ways Are Not Always Our Ways

April 2 2008 / ShareHim in Salvador A, Mar. 14 - Mar. 29 '08 #271
by Teresa Shelton

Campaign Site Narrative from Colonia Méndez, Soyapango in Salvador A. The speaker assigned to this site was Teresa Shelton.

March of 2008, we were blessed to be invited to the San Salvador area to conduct a ShareHim crusade. My church was located on the far side of San Salvador in a little neighborhood of Colonia Mendez.

Many truths had already been presented from night to night. This night was a shock, even to me. My presentation was all ready to go, I thought, when the special music was ended. Tonight was the truth of the Sabbath. After the special music, my translater and I proceeded forward with the message.

To my surprise, on about the sixth slide, I realize I am not preaching the right sermon. The screen is blaring at me saying, this is not correct. What do I do? I am already into the presentation, and the people are already attentive to “How to Start Life Over Again” (Baptism). This was not the subject tonight, so I began to ask inside, “Lord, what do I do? They are not ready for this sermon.” I felt impressed to not stop but preach it with the leading of the Holy Spirit, for I had not reviewed this sermon.

The message came forth with power, and the glory of the Lord came forth in a mighty way. At the end of the sermon, the call was made. Here in this group of people, a young man comes forward. He and his father, in tears, want to follow Jesus in rebaptism. With my translator, we talked. This young man was a gang member. He had been fleeing for his life and at this time was staying with his parents. They invited him to the meetings. This night, by my mistake (or most likely, the leading of the Holy Spirit), this young man was convicted to give his life back to Jesus. He expressed that he wanted to wait a bit because the gang was out to kill him. He was afraid if he gave his life back to Jesus right then and he defended himself, he may have to kill someone. My pastor and I prayed that this young man would find a peace within and without to recommit. Many are praying for this young man.

Now my sermons were out of alignment, what should I do? The next night should I present the Sabbath, or what? Well, as I talked with Pastor Alcantara, we decided that the Sabbath could be presented when I was supposed to present Baptism. We proceeded forward.

That night came, and I presented the Sabbath, which had been thoroughly prepared. The power of God’s leading was incredible! This night at the call, a gentleman came forward. He began to give his testimony with tears streaming down his face. As he spoke, my translator began saying, “Oh my!” I said, “What? What?” The gentleman said, “I am a pastor for another denomination. I have attended Adventist meetings before, and I have come to many truths but was not convinced of the Sabbath. Tonight I have found the Sabbath to be truth, and I want to keep the Sabbath day. I want my congregation from my church to come and hear these truths. I will bring them here.”

This Pastor was brought into the Seventh-day Adventist Church by Profession of Faith.
You never know who may be sitting in your crowd hearing the word of God that is being presented by you and through you.

The young gang member had not recommitted his life through rebaptism upon my departure, but in his heart right now, his desire is one that will lead his life.

We are unable to see God’s plan with clarity, and when we mess up we can sometimes look back and say, “Lord, your way is the only way.”

Many people came to Jesus through the truth of His word at this campaign. What a joy, blessing and inspiration for Jesus to be able to use an uneducated, simple homemaker as me!

Thank you, ShareHim, for giving me the opportunity to be a tool and a blessing to others.
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