Summary of our Mongolian Campaign

May 24 2008 / ShareHim in Mongolia, Apr. 25 - May. 10 '08 #294
by Wolfgang Jenke

Personal Testimony of Wolfgang Jenke.

Traveling through China was a lot more convenient this time, compared with t years ago. The officials were helpful and polite. When we arrived in Ulan Bator (UB), we noticed however, that our luggage was missing. After some enquiries, we were assured that our luggage would arrive the next day. It had been booked right through from Brisbane to UB, but the plane was too full from Beijing to UB.

The next day our luggage had arrived, and we prepared for the long journey from UB to Tsertseleg. On Wednesday afternoon, we attended the orientation meeting for the team members; we met our translator, Urnaa, and were introduced to two more team members, supplied by the Mongolian Mission Field. We also spent a little time with Pastor P. Kotanko, the director for MMF and Pastor E. Kuhn, who does the organizing of the campaigns.

Thursday morning, we set off on our journey. It is not the most pleasant journey – having nine people cramped into the van for ten hours, plus all of our luggage. Unfortunately, there is no airstrip in Tsertseleg, and if you don’t go by van, you miss out on an understanding of what Mongolia is all about. Many parts of the road have been improved, and this trip gives you an opportunity to get to know the team members, as well as the country side.

In the evening, we arrived safely at our hotel, but we were not happy with their standard of care. The next morning we went and booked ourselves into a guesthouse next door.
They have gone to great lengths to make us feel welcome. We have paid 10,000 MNT (Mongolian togroog) per night per bed. That equates to $10 per person per night, but this cost also included breakfast. In UB the cost is more like $40,per person per night for much the same.

Their normal cost is 15,000MNT, but since we were a group and stayed for longer, they agreed on the discount. I also booked the next group there, and they told me any increase will be limited to 10%.

When the translator, a missionary, and I visited the governor, I noticed that he was reluctant to have us run a program there. However, some of our community projects are still remembered from two years ago, and eventually, he gave us permission. The government has spent a fortune to revive Buddhism, by beautifying old shrines and temples. He told us if we teach English, we are not permitted to teach religion. That view was repeated by the head mistress of the college.

Our evangelistic campaign started on Friday evening with around 70 people attending. Since the first night, the numbers dropped to 30 – 40 adults, but most nights we saw new faces. We found the people very interested, and many responded to our calls and will be followed up by the missionaries over the next three months.

God blessed our meetings with nine precious souls having been baptized on our last Wednesday evening. There are at least the same number again that are being prepared now for the next team. Some of them are very eager to get baptized.

Besides our evening program, we spent quite some time each day teaching English. We found it easier to have teams of two, who go into one class at a time. Since their periods are 1 ½ hours long, it was better to have two rather than one teacher per class.
We have made good contact with a number of government agencies. The police remembered us and the things we did for the prisoners last time. We didn’t have to ask for permission to speak to the prisoners. They were very up-front and told us that any time we want to speak with the prisoners and tell them about Jesus, we are very welcome.
They shared with us that they want to improve the facilities, especially for women, since some of them are not criminals, but might be in prison for not having correct papers on them or other petty offences. They said that they would be very grateful if we could help them again this time. Their total cost would come to 1,200,000 MNT, or around $1200.
I confirmed that we would like to help with 600,000 MNT. Lyn Joy also bought two electric kettles for the medical quarters and 15 sets of washing utensils for the prisoners.

When we visited the clinic, the staff remembered us from last time and gave us a tour of their building. They showed us the work that had been done from our donation last time and shared with us some of their new plans. We supported them with another donation for 510,000 MNT for some keep-fit equipment and a water purifier.

This time, we made a visit to the local hospital and spent some time with the head doctor. He shared with us some great needs they have in the ultra sound department and we were happy to donate 1,000,000, MNT for much needed equipment. The doctor mentioned that he is looking forward to meeting the next team, when they come in September.

When we looked around in the church, there was no great need visible for new equipment. But we left 800,000 MNT with the MMF in UB for the rent for the next year. We also bought the utensils so they can have communion—glasses bowls, and towels. On the request of the missionaries, we celebrated communion on our last Sabbath. They also requested that the team in September would celebrate communion with them, and afterwards they will do it themselves.

Lyn Joy also bought a lot of stationary for children’s activities. We did notice that both missionaries still slept on the floor. We gave them the money to buy two beds and two quilts.

Lyn Joy spent some time each day visiting and caring for the sick. We bought quite a few medicines for the patients. I joined her when I could and offered prayer for the sick.

Since we had four Mongolians on our team, we, of course, had to pay for their accommodation, which amounted to 640,000 MNT. The food we provided for six Mongolians at a total cost of 270,000 MNT.

We found that it was easiest for our Australian team members to pay their accommodation and food into the common purse and pay the total bill out of that.

When we left Mongolia in 2006, the church in Tsertseleg had 19 baptized members. Due to different factors, their membership had been in decline. We found about 5 or 6 members still there.

Nine more souls got baptized this time and it appeared to us that the church is almost back to where it was two years ago. On our last Sabbath, we counted around 40 adults. A good number is now studying the Bible and hopefully will get baptized in September.
We thank God for His care and faithfulness. None of us suffered ill health or injury. Peter Curry and Sam Terranova have had a real mission experience and are planning to go again.

Of course, we would like to thank ShareHim for organizing the work behind the scenes, so that laypeople can help in the finishing of God's work. We would also like to thank our church members for their support and their many prayers. We would like to thank the AUC for their encouragement and financial support. And on behalf of our team, I would like to thank the NAC executive committee for making it possible for us to be part of our Mongolian project in 2008, for their trust and encouragement and for their financial support.
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