There is Power in Him

July 13 2008 / ShareHim in Costa Rica B, Jun. 20 - Jul. 5 '08 #304
by Vanessa Mayen

Personal Testimony of Vanessa Mayen.

Who do you think you are? You are not qualified! You are a sinner! How dare you try to go and preach the word of God? Do you really think you can do it? These are questions and statements Satan tormented me with, after I signed up to go on the ShareHim trip to Costa Rica. Now at the end of my trip I have a ‘come back’ to all of those questions and statements. But Satan just had to get his five cents in.

My local church members were wonderful. They learned the wonders that lie within the word of God, not knowing that the whole time it was them who were helping me. In Costa Rica, I discovered that God’s favorite color is green; we saw it all over the place—absolutely gorgeous! The mangoes, and pineapples—delicious!

At the meetings, Satan continued to taunt and bother by sending a rain storm that overpowered my voice. I had told my church that we have power when we beseech the Lord, so we decided to pray. As we prayed, the storm became desperate. The rain franticly pattered on the roof and suddenly there was an air stream that blew into the place as a futile attempt to fight back. As I continued delivering the message, the rain died out. God ceased the storm, just as he did with his disciples.

Who do I think I am? I am the daughter of the Almighty Creator God. I am not alone.
No, I am not qualified. But, I am an instrument that is willing to be used by the Greatest Composer of all time. And through me, he produced a pleasant sound that brought the needed to the foot of the cross. God qualifies the willing. In Matthew chapter 18:18-21, it says: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them…teaching them to observe all the things that I have commanded you; I am with you always, even to the end of age.”

Yes, I am a sinner. Jesus died for me on that cross to cleanse me from all evil. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians, chapter 5:21: “For He [God] made Him [Christ] who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in him.” And yes, for two weeks I made all the presentations. But my partner, the Holy Spirit did all the hard work.

I could sit here and tell you how many people got baptized during our campaigns; I could give you the average number of visitors per night. Maybe even how many people we prayed with. But I much rather tell you that if you go on one of these trips YOU will not be the same. He will become REAL to you. He will guide you. And one day, in heaven, someone will tell you that through your campaign—He became real to them too. All Glory be to the Almighty King.
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