Finding a Cross Leads to Finding Jesus

July 31 2008 / ShareHim in Panama, Jul. 11 - Jul. 26 '08 #307
by Andrea Nagy

Personal Testimony of Andrea Nagy.

During the Share Him campaign in Panama I have seen God work in miraculous ways both in my life and in the lives of those who attended the meetings. I realized what a great privilege it is to be coworkers with Christ in reaching out to His children. Many people joined in prayer in view of the evangelistic campaigns and we truly sensed God's presence among us as people opened their hearts to His love.

A highlight of my mission trip was seeing young children come to the meetings. On one occasion it warmed my heart to hear two children telling me that they decided to give their lives to Jesus.

It was a blessing to participate in some visitations as well, an enriching opportunity that allowed me to understand the background and the spiritual needs of those who expressed their desire to follow Christ. Perhaps my greatest experience in Panama was witnessing the commitment of a young couple whom I visited in their home. They shared with me their testimony: After moving into their new house the gentleman felt impressed to search for more meaning in their lives through a closer relationship with God. One day He asked the Lord in prayer to give them a clear sign if it is His will for them to join a church. On that very day he was walking in a park toward the school of his son. All of a sudden his attention was caught by something shiny in the grass. He reached down to observe what it was and found a small golden crucifix. To him this was God's answer to his prayer and to his quest for God's will in their lives. Around that time this family started talking to a very friendly neighbor who was a member of the Seventh-day Adventist church. She invited them to church but for a while the young family was hesitant. Then the lady repeated her invitation to them as a new evangelistic campaign was to be held by the pastor of Iglesia de Santa Fe. They accepted the invitation and from the first occasion they felt so impressed by the message that they decided to attend all of the evangelistic meetings. After the pastor's campaign was concluded, the Share Him campaign started and this family continued attending the seminars with much interest. When I asked if they had questions they replied that they had had many questions but their questions were being answered one by one throughout the evangelistic campaigns. Indeed there are many precious souls around us who are searching for meaning in their lives and it is wonderful to know that God can use each person who is willing to reach out to their neighbor or friend with the good news about Jesus.

A young gentleman who was baptized at the closing of the campaign, shared his story that tells of God's amazing grace that transforms lives. He used to be a Seventh-day Adventist, but the promises of a singing career drew him further and further away from Christ as he devoted his talent and energies to singing in a secular music band. Not long ago however he started to feel impressed to return to Christ where he could find true satisfaction. He decided to place his musical talent in the Lord hands and to sing only to Him from now on. Praise God for the people who make the best investment by choosing to live for Christ now and for eternity!

I consider it a high honor and a great joy that God empowered me as well to be His agent and by sharing Him with others I gained a great sense of spiritual fulfillment that could not be equaled with anything else. In fact my own faith was strengthened immensely and my perspective on serving God received a deeper meaning. This is why I encourage anyone reading this mission story to consider doing service for God as it is the best investment you can make. The Lord can use you anywhere and anytime as long as you are willing to make yourself available for sharing Him!
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