A Couple Reconciles And Evil Spirits Leave

August 5 2008 / ShareHim in Mozambique, Jun. 27 - Jul. 12 '08 #310
by Natanael Moraes

Personal Testimony of Natanael Moraes.

My first visit to Maria was with Alberto, an elder of Liberdade church of Maputo, on July 3, 2008. She and her husband had received bible instruction from Alberto some time before our ShareHim campaign. She told us about her bad dreams. She frequently had dreams with dead people in her family and other people who bothered her.

This phenomenon is very common in Africa. It is provoked by satanic spirits that want to set the people captives. To free themselves of these chains, people must make offers to those spirits.

Maria also complained about her husband. She told us that he has not treated her with love and respect, as she hoped. Before marrying Maria, Tomás was married to Helena, with whom he had two children, a boy and a girl. He left her after he found out that she was having an affair with his own brother.

At our first visit with Maria, we invited her to come to our evangelistic meetings. She accepted and came.

On Sabbath, July 5, we came back to visit Maria. While there, Tomás spoke about a lot of difficulties that came to them. He told us that the spiritual perturbations that came to her wife were motivated by the African “traditions.”
In that opportunity, I asked him if the family had some tools, books, or other items that could be related with the traditions. They promised to investigate.

When we came back for the third visit, Tomás told us that he found a bed that had been bought for the suggestion of a sorcerer. He had already deprived himself of that bed, bought another one, and Maria was cured of her bad dreams.

I hoped to baptize Tomás and Maria on Sabbath, July 12, but for this come true. It was necessary to reconcile the couple; both had been in a bad situation for a long time.

Because we had a lot of difficulties with transportation that could bring us in time to visit our candidates to baptism, I could not make the reconciliation of the couple for their baptism.

When I arrived at Liberdade Church in the last Sabbath of the baptism of the campaign, I saw Tomás and Maria also coming to the church. I thought by myself, “I am not happy because I did not have the time to visit them and reconcile them. Will they be baptized in the future? I have doubts…”

So we had the Sabbath School, the sermon, and the ceremony of the baptism. In the end, I invited the other people who were not Adventist to accept Jesus, to receive Bible instructions and to be baptized in the future. I was very happy because Tomás and Maria accepted the invitation to be baptized in the future.

God was reserving something very special to us. After I sent away the people, Alberto came to me to tell me that Tomás and Maria asked to be baptized in that same Sabbath. I told him that for me okay. After lunch, I had a private encounter with Tomás and Maria. We talked for about one and a half hours. They apologized to each other. It the end, they were happy because they were reconciled. Now it was possible to me to baptize them.

In the Sabbath afternoon, in the last meeting of the campaign, I could baptize them. It was a very special occasion. After the baptism, inside the baptism tank, they embraced each other and cried tears of happiness. They entered the Seventh-day Adventist Church reconciled with each other and with Jesus Christ. It was an amazing experience for me. Praise the Lord!

I thank ShareHim and The Quiet Hour for the opportunity offered to me to go to Africa and preach the gospel. May God bless their relevant work of evangelization.
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