A Woman with AIDS in Search of Truth and Love

August 6 2008 / ShareHim in Mozambique, Jun. 27 - Jul. 12 '08 #312
by Joel Cavalheiro

Personal Testimony of Joel Cavalheiro.

Cidália was invited by her father who is a Seventh-day Adventist member of the Matola H church in Maputo, Mozambique to come to the ShareHim meetings. She had wandered in and out of a lot of churches searching for the truth. More than this, she was in search of love.

Some time ago, Cidália went to South Africa to marry a man that was working in the gold mines. He did not tell her that he had AIDS. After his death, Cidália discovered she contracted AIDS from him. Since that time, she had been very upset because she knows that some time ahead, she will die.

Answering her father’s invitation, she attended the program of ShareHim in the Matola H church. The preacher was Joel Cavalheiro, a student from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary in São Paulo, Brazil. Every night before the preaching, he presented a series of health talks from The Quiet Hour.

After the end of one night’s presentation, Cidália talked with the pastor’s wife about the relevance of the program. She liked so much the messages, but there was something that had touched her heart. It was the message about AIDS from the health talk. So she communicated with Joel Cavalheiro that she had decided to be baptized because she had heard him speak so kindly about people with AIDS, that God forgives our sins, and that in heaven we will be free from every infirmity and suffering.

Cidália was baptized by pastor Berndt Wolter, a doctor and teacher of Theology at the São Paulo Seventh-day Adventist Seminary, on Sabbath, July 12.
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