Notes fromThe Opening Weekend

August 18 2008 / ShareHim in Salvador B, Aug. 15 - Aug. 30 '08 #315
by Darlene Minisee

Campaign Site Narrative from Los Planes, Los Planes in Salvador B. The speaker assigned to this site was Darlene Minisee.

I have made it through my first weekend of the campaign, and I feel that the Lord has worked very hard in my church. On Friday, my translator knew about as much English as I knew Spanish, and I am just learning Spanish. As I got up to preach, I asked the Lord to use the Holy Spirit. The devil was working. He didn't want my message to be heard.

After the meeting, I went back to the hotel and spoke with the chaplain. I told him my concerns about my translator and that I did not know how effective he was. Saturday morning, Elder Leonor, the campaign manager from ShareHim, came to my church and translated for me. I was relieved that my message was getting across and that people were understanding me.

Then, on Saturday night, I had another translator. She was wonderful!

On Sunday night, we were really short on time. I told the pastor, “I will take the movie out, we will sing one song, and I will preach a little less so that we can be done on time.”

The preacher said, “No, the people love the movie. They love to hear you preach, and they love the music. They will stay the whole time.” He said that we will do everything as planned. We ended the meeting 45 minutes late and everybody stayed until the very end. The pastor and a group of people had to walk home, but I could tell that the people are really, truly happy. And I am so happy!
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