A Passionate Commitment for Working for the Lord

August 26 2008 / ShareHim in Panama, Jul. 11 - Jul. 26 '08 #318
by Diane Crawford

Personal Testimony of Diane Crawford.

Upon arriving at the airport in Panama City, the first impression that I got of the Adventist brothers I met was that they had a great sense of dedication, open-heartedness, and a strong commitment towards working for Christ. This first impression remained a constant throughout my preaching experiencing, inside of the church and outside of the church with other Adventist brothers and sisters of whom I got the opportunity to spend some time.

I commenced the two weeks of having total dedication and commitment to Christ because I knew that without him I would not be able to make it through. Only through submitting myself to the Holy Spirit to do God’s will would I be able to overcome any challenges.

I knew that there would be challenges because this is exactly the type of work that the devil dislikes completely, and he would try his hardest to find some means of interference, discouragement, fear, and sometimes unwillingness by which to ruin the program. But, my brothers and sisters, God is great, and once you are willing to submit to God’s will, there is no challenge or situation the Devil can throw at you which you will not come out victorious because God is guiding you footsteps. The Lord has promised never to leave or forsake us.

If nothing else, the challenges I faced; the signs I received; and the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding which I have gained from this experience were all stepping stones to the immense spiritual growth that I have gained. It leaves me thirsting for more ways in which the Holy Spirit can use me to do the will of God. This mission trip for me was the beginning of what, by the grace of God, will be an eternal commitment to continuous service to the Lord Jesus Christ. In a similar light, as I have seen my brothers and sisters in Christ from Panama working diligently and with fullness of passion and commitment for Christ, likewise pray for me that I, too, may have that eternal flame of passionate commitment towards working for the Lord.
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