I Left My Heart in The Dominican

January 23 2009 / ShareHim in Dominican Republic B, Dec. 19 - Jan. 3 '09 #352
by Katie Jones

Personal Testimony of Katie Jones.

This is my story. I went on the mission trip not really "connected" with God as I had used to be. While on this trip, God and I reconnected and I have never been happier since.

I truly felt God's presence at my site. I've never preached before in my life and it was only by the grace of God that I was able to even accomplish it. God really has blessed at the site too. There were nine baptisms and there are five more preparing to be baptized. I loved it down there. The people were friendly and so warm and hospitable. I'm thankful that God gave me the chance to experience this culture. I even joke at home now how about I left my heart down in the Dominican.

If any of you ever get the chance to go on a ShareHim mission trip, I would highly suggest it. It has changed my life. I'm sure it will change yours.
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