Dr. Wesley A. Shaw's Mission Trip

April 1 2009 / ShareHim in Tanzania C, Nov. 21 - Dec. 6 '08 #355
by Dr. Wesley A. Shaw

Campaign Site Narrative from Visiga, Kibaha in Tanzania C. The speaker assigned to this site was Wesley Shaw.

It was a beautiful and special morning on November 17, 2008 when my wife (Melvine) and my daughter (Tashia) took me to Philadelphia International Airport. I boarded the first airline and after changing several planes, I was in Tanzania after twenty-eight hours. Twenty-two of us from different parts of the country embarked on this mission trip. The campaign manager, Don Folkenberg, joined us. I was proud to be the only traveler from Pennsylvania. I have to say that Don is one of the best campaign managers I have ever met. The brother is very organized. It was a pleasure to work with him.

After the orientation at Dar-Es-Salaam, eight of us went to the town of Kibaha while fourteen of us went to the town of Dodoma. I stayed in Kibaha as all eight of us became good friends. On the 21st of November 2008, I was privileged to preach my first sermon in the motherland, Africa, exactly one year after my father’s passing at age seventy-seven. About five minutes into my sermon, the electric power failed. My translator, Pastor Kikiwa, had a flashlight which enabled me to see my notes but not very clearly. I preached for an hour-and-a-half without notes and still could have continued. Since I studied and have been preaching for the past forty years, I was able to preach for awhile without notes.

The pastor, elders and other members accompanied us as we visited the sick and the shut-ins. We laid hands on the sick. I made it abundantly clear to them that I was not a healer, but I knew the healer, Jesus Christ the Son of God. I share with others that I talked to God as a friend. I said to him: “Jesus you have worked many miracles in the past and for forty years I have been asking you for a special favor. Please Jesus this time I have travelled half way across the world some 9,000 miles now I want you to do it in Jesus’ Name, Amen.” I made sure that when I prayed for somebody I told them to have faith in God and believe that all things are possible.

One of the Elders from the Visiga Seventh Day Adventist Church was sick at home with a fever. The doctor was trying to improve the sickness but nothing much happened. When we called on Dr. Jesus, the fever was gone the next day. There was a lady living in the village one of her feet swollen, I got some water and asked God to change the common use of the water. I washed her feet and asked God to do it for this woman. We promised to come back and give the glory to God because it was all about Him. A couple days later, the lady sent for us. We went back; however, this time she did not need anyone to help her. She was walking everywhere. We knelt down in her house and gave God thanks as was promised.

Would I go back to Africa? Yes I would do it all over again.

There is one thing I will always remember about Tanzanian folks. They are very content with what they have. This should make us spend more time giving God thanks instead of complaining. With the power of the Holy Spirit as a group, we were able to baptized one hundred and seventeen (117) new souls—to God be the glory. A nineteen-year-old young lady, named Witness Luhanyura , was one of the young ladies that was baptized was a member of the Pentecostal church. It was not easy for her when she made this step by faith to be a part of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Her story meant so much to me. I made a serious decision to adopt her as my sixth child. I gave her some money to open an account, which she did. I also gave her a cell phone so we could remain in touch. Recently, I also put $100 in her account. Hopefully if the money is available, my wife and I are planning to visit Tanzania next year, 2010, to see the pastors, members, and our new daughter, Witness Luhanyura Shaw. We are planning to hold a concert with the choir I formed while I was there. The choir is called the Dr. Wesley A. Shaw Children’s Choir. My wife, Melvine, and I will do some of our songs a capella. The last chapter in my autobiography will include my trip to the motherland.

We should always follow our destiny. It works for me.

There comes a time in your life when you realize that if you stand still, you will remain at that point forever. You realize that if you fall and stay down, life will pass you by. Life’s circumstances are not always what you want them to be. The pattern of life does not necessarily go as you planned. Beyond any understanding, you may at times be led in directions that you never imagined, dreamed, or designed. Yet, if you had never put any effort into choosing a path, or tried to carry out your dream, then perhaps you would have no direction at all.

Rather than wondering about or questioning the direction your life has taken, accept the fact that there is a path before you now. Shake off the “why” and “what ifs” and rid yourself of confusion. Whatever was – is in the past. Whatever is – that is what is important. The past is a brief reflection; the future is yet to be realized. Today is here. Walk your path one step at a time with courage, faith, and determination. Keep your head up, and cast your dreams to the stars. Soon your steps will become firm, and your footing will be solid again. A path that you never imagined will become the most comfortable direction you could have ever hoped to follow. Keep your belief in yourself and walk into your new journey. You will find it magnificent, spectacular, and beyond your wildest imaginings.
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