The Activity of The Divinity

June 3 2009 / ShareHim in Kalimantan, Oct. 13 - Oct. 28 '06 #360
by Ellen Kim

Personal Testimony of Ellen Kim.


God knew what He was planning for me that Dec morning, ten months before my ShareHim evangelism trip to Borneo. Pastor Mark Finley asked the audience if we wanted to stand tall for God at the Generation of Youth for Christ in Tennessee. Daniel knew that standing tall for God also meant bowing low. He looked beyond this earth to the heavenly kingdom. We can't do anything for God without prayer. We cannot stand tall without looking beyond. I thank God for giving me the courage to stand up when he made the altar call to come to Christ that we may go with Christ.


One email radically changed my life as a Christian. It was an invitation to preach a full evangelistic campaign in Balikpapan, Indonesia, island of Borneo. Wow. Thank you God!

At the church I was given, the members truly expressed the love of God the whole time we were there. They showed us what it meant to serve others before serving themselves. Although I was in Indonesia to serve others, God was teaching me how to serve from the heart. With JOY. Jesus, Others, You.


Each night the message was presented, I knew it was the Lord spoke through my translator and me. There were times I felt unprepared, unable, and incompetent. There was no way I could learn everything from the Bible to explain it to the people! I'm so thankful that the Lord provided me with a wonderful spirit-filled translator! He would not only emit the same emotions and gestures as I would, but because he was the personal ministry director at the church, he also knew what the people were going through.

There was an elderly man who came faithfully every night. I could easily spot him in the crowd. At times he would be attentive, and at other times he seemed to be disinterested. It was during the final week of the meetings that I found he was married to an Adventist woman who had been faithfully praying for many years that her husband accept Christ. He had attended many evangelistic seminars in the past, but it was at this one that he accepted Christ and got baptized. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness! And praise Him for the persistent prayers of that faithful wife!

Another face that stood out in the crowd was a Chinese Indonesian woman. She was married to a wealthy Adventist businessman who used to be a Buddhist leader. His testimony is powerful. A brief summary... Several years earlier he had asked my translator to show him from scriptures who Jesus says He was. No supplementary books or articles, but straight from the Holy Bible. Three days after their intense bible studies, the leader removed his Buddhist robe to accept the "robe of Christ." He surrendered his desire for self fulfillment to follow Christ. Naturally, he longed for his family to join him in loving and living in Christ. And that was the face that stood out. His wife. Long story short, the ex-Buddhist leader's wife and daughter (formerly active Pentecostal) accepted the call to follow Jesus and join the Seventh-day Adventist church! I can go on with more stories, but would like to leave one inspiring quote by Sister Ellen White.

"God might have committed the message of the gospel, and all the work of loving ministry, to the heavenly angels. He might have employed other means for accomplishing His purpose. But in His infinite love He chose to make us COWORKERS with HIMSELF, with Christ and the angels, that we might share the blessing, the joy, the spiritual uplifting, which results from this unselfish ministry." Steps to Christ p. 79

After this amazing, unforgettable experience, I definitely don't want to remain living as a status quo nominal Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
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