His Tender Care

June 17 2009 / ShareHim in Peru - The Quiet Hour, May. 22 - Jun. 6 '09 #362
by Heinz A. Volk

Campaign Site Narrative from Tupac Amaru, Cusco in Peru - The Quiet Hour. The speaker assigned to this site was Heinz A. Volk.

The altitude was a major concern when we signed up for a ShareHim campaign in Peru. After all, with a coronary event leaving my heart functioning at only 46% and lungs damaged by pneumonia, I wasn’t sure if I could adapt to the low level of oxygen. But God was good and I was able to finish the series and see miracles.

We took a recently widowed friend with us to work with the children. Despite medical problems of her own and not having worked with children for many years, Barbara blossomed and the children loved her. At orientation she had asked how many children to expect, and was told, “No more than 30.” Barbara prayed that God would double that number and attendance grew steadily, peaking at 67. Some children came two hours early, to make sure they could get a good seat.

In the adult meeting was a young woman who had come to Cusco to look for her uncle. I don’t know if she ever found him, but she found God and was baptized. A retired architect, neighbor to the mission treasurer, had never shown interest in religion. But he asked if he could attend the meetings and was also baptized. Afterwards, though shivering from the cold water, he said that he felt as if he had just been given new life.

Though Satan used general strikes, transit strikes, fairs and religious festivals to keep people from attending, most nights the rented hall was filled to capacity. Some nights there was standing room only. I witnessed four baptisms, but the mission reported 13 new believers for my site. My son-in-law had given me a tube of Rub A535 as I had injured my back. But God and a professional massage took care of my problem and the medication, specifically formulated for arthritic pain, was just what the spouse of one of our attendees needed.

God took care of things at home, too. To cut down on grocery bills and ensure we have money to do God’s work, we grow most of our own food. My wife planted the garden and watered it thoroughly before we left, then entrusted it to God’s care. While in Peru we heard reports of extremely hot temperatures, and without water, expected at least some of the plants to die. But after three weeks we returned to a lush jungle with the corn knee-high and the peas and potatoes blooming.

I am convinced that when we concentrate on doing God’s work, He will also look after our interests.
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