It's Time for Jesus to Come

March 8 2010 / ShareHim in Cuba - Quiet Hour, Feb. 12 - Feb. 27 '10 #405
by Peggy West

Personal Testimony of Peggy West.

Update: 8/16/10 I got this e-mail today from James Collar from Idaho who is attending the Seminary in Cuba and was a part of our Cuba trip in 2009. He also attended many of my meetings in Artemisa in 2010. This story is about an 11 year old who attended my meetings and was baptized just after our meetings:

“A little 11 your old girl that was baptized at Mariel was killed by a car about two months after the meetings. Her parents didn't want her to be baptized. Now they want to be ready to meet her and want to be baptized. I am glad the little girl made the decision to accept Christ when she did. It was the last chance she had. Thanks for making a difference for this island. God bless you.”

Things like this make it all worth while. God is good!

Mar 2010 We were going to Cuba to Share Him. This was my third trip to Cuba and my second to Artemisa. I was really looking forward to going back to Artemisa and getting to see the friends I had made on my first visit. I was even getting to work with my same interpreter, Ismail.

We arrived in Artemisa and that first Friday night, there were many faces that I remembered. They had made me feel comfortable the first time, but now they all seemed like old friends who were excited to see me again.

The weather was a bit unusual for the time of year. The temperature was much lower than normal and there were lots of heavy rains. Normally, this would have lessened attendance, but our attendance only grew throughout the campaign. God was really blessing.

Not to say that the devil wasn’t working hard. The first night, my computer would not even show the slides. But God had prepared for that. I had not planned to take a printed copy of my notes because of the weight, but God impressed me to print them out.
He had also prepared help for Sabbath. One of the lay preachers that had been with our campaign in 2009 had come back to attend the Seminary there in Cuba, and he offered me the use of his computer. So Sabbath morning, I used my computer for my notes, while James used my notes to keep the right slide for the audience. Then, we managed to get things set up on his computer for Saturday and Sunday nights.

Fortunately, Luis Leonor, our campaign manager, had a second computer that he loaned me for the rest of the campaign, and God was still in control.

As time progressed, our attendance increased to standing room only. They had to bring benches down from the children’s area on that last Sabbath, and then there were still many standing.

Each time we made a call, more came to the altar. There were two wives who had asked for prayer for their husbands who were not church members. Each time, as I turned the call over to the pastor, I was praying especially for those two men. I was blessed to see one of them come to the altar and to sign that he wanted to be baptized. The other one – I am still praying for. The seed is planted, and it is now up to God to nourish.

The people in Cuba are very special. It is hard to explain. They don’t have much in the way of material things, but they know how to show the love of God. An example of their kind of love was exhibited by the pastor and his wife in San Antonio where our group was staying. When they found out that we were having difficulty in getting a nourishing meal for lunch, they began providing us with lunch every day, and even picking us up at the hotel and taking us back. We were more than happy to pay them what we were paying at the hotel.

This pastor and his wife were the same ones that I had stayed with on my first visit. They knew that I didn’t use any animal products, so she carefully made sure that I had something to replace anything that she had used eggs, milk or cheese in. Not that I needed any replacement, there was so much to choose from, but that was her way of showing her love.

One of the most exciting things was to see Elaine, the twelve-year-old girl who was baptized at the end of my time there in 2008. She was there with her younger sister. This was a young girl who had not even heard about Jesus until she came to the meetings. What a blessing to see her again!

Every time I go to Cuba, I make new attachments. I look forward to the day when Jesus comes and we can all meet in heaven. Each trip I make to share Jesus with others, gives me a closer walk with Him for myself. It gives me more and more to look forward to in heaven. It truly is Time for Jesus to Come.
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