Instead of One- 46!

March 22 2010 / ShareHim in Philippines A, Feb. 26 - Mar. 13 '10 #410
by Ruby Urgent

Campaign Site Narrative from Ipil, Davao in Philippines A. The speaker assigned to this site was Ruby Urgent.

Hello, I'm Ruby Urgent, police officer in the Virgin Islands. Last year I joined ShareHim meetings in Costa Rica as a support team member. This year God put the burden on me to become a speaker in the Davao, Philippine meetings. I told the Lord that if He would give me one soul, I would consider my time well spent.

I fell in love with my congregation in Ipil; children, youth, and adults alike came, listened and responded. It was an exciting and rewarding experience. Night after night, we made invitations to follow Jesus and to make that public declaration that Jesus was #1 in their lives by baptism. I told them to go to the table and sign their decision there. Day after day our layworkers visited, taught examined these making decision.

Sabbath, March 13 was a high point in my life as we walked from the church to the ocean nearby; 46 candidates lined up, held hands, and walked out into the ocean to be baptized. Talk about exciting! Luke 15 talks about singing in heaven when one comes to repentance; angels sang there, and we sang at the ocean's edge. My life will never be the same!
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