My First Mission Trip

May 3 2010 / ShareHim in Mexico B, Feb. 26 - Mar. 13 '10 #417
by Lucas Vaughan

Personal Testimony of Lucas Vaughan.

When I was informed that I would be spending my spring break in Mexico, I wasn’t even sure what to think. I had been in a different country before, so that was not new to me. But up to that point, I had always spent my spring break visiting relatives or going on family trips. I knew that this one would be different, however. I was excited, but at the same time I was a little nervous, for I didn’t really know what to expect. I had never been on a mission trip before.

Before I knew it, spring break had begun and we were on the plane to Cancun and drove to Chetumal, where our mission would take place. We got to the hotel very late at night and I was exhausted, so I ate quickly and went to my hotel room. I soon crashed.
The next morning, I was woken up by a very annoying alarm clock. We headed down to the hotel’s restaurant and ate breakfast. After that, all of us had our morning worship. The mornings were all the same.

I was told that I would be helping out with Vacation Bible School (VBS). After worship each morning, we would split into two groups: the VBS people and the people who preached. We sat and talked about past experiences, ideas for new games to play with the kids, and prepared the crafts for that night.

The VBS people were split up into about five groups of three or four students. I really enjoyed discussing ideas with my group and helping out. I didn’t expect to have as much fun as I did. I remember thinking, “I’m having the time of my life!”

After this, we had about three hours of time to have fun and socialize. All the preachers would practice during this time and most people would usually hang out at the pool.

When it came to be 5:30 P.M., it got very interesting. All the preachers would take a taxi or go with a designated driver to their church. Each VBS group would go with one of the preachers to their church as well.

My first night was filled with excitement. A man drove up and beckoned all of us into the car, and shortly after that, we found ourselves standing in the church. The church members were very friendly. They were easily some of the nicest people I have ever met. I was blessed tremendously, for I saw God’s light in each and every one of them.

The preacher my group went with that night prepared for his sermon while my group was led, by one of the church members, to the kid’s room. And then, many, many kids poured in. It was a lot of fun singing songs, playing games, and making crafts with the kids. They all were so happy, and that gave me another huge blessing. They didn’t have nearly as many nice things as I had when I was a young tyke. But they were still very happy and thankful for what they had. I loved going to a different church and leading out at a different kids’ room each night. I was blessed again and again.

Unfortunately, I had to leave on Thursday, so I only got to spend about five days in Mexico. I was sad beyond belief when I had to say goodbye to everyone and leave the hotel.

Once I got home, I couldn’t believe how much fun I had had. At the beginning, I didn’t know what to expect and was a little bit reluctant to go. But when I came back, I was changed. It felt great to know that I had gone on a mission trip.
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