Planting Seeds

May 3 2010 / ShareHim in Mexico B, Feb. 26 - Mar. 13 '10 #418
by Kaylee Couser

Personal Testimony of Kaylee Couser.

To be honest, this mission trip was the last thing I wanted to do—partly because I was scared, and also because me and God weren’t entirely connected at this point in time. But God never ceases to amaze me. Not only did I witness to others and help them grow in their relationship with God, but I grew also. Things did get hard sometimes, and when they did, all I wanted to do was give up. But God kept pushing me. And now that I see the light from the end of the tunnel, I know why.

My sister, Megan, and I preached at the same church. We had a very small church with few adults but an enormous number of kids. At first, I was happy because when I saw the number of adults I knew that I wouldn’t have to preach in front of a large group. However, when I saw a large group of kids come in, I was scared because kids aren’t really my thing. I don’t know how to reach out and witness to them. Kids scared me! This was my first challenge: How do I connect with these kids.

As the nights progressed, I began to get discouraged because not many adults were coming to the meetings. I became frustrated and angry at God because here I was in Mexico preaching about God, and no one was there to hear the important messages that I and my sister were sharing. My second challenge: How do I accept the fact that I’m not the one in charge, God is.

Throughout these two weeks, I was continually fighting with God. Every night I would come back to our hotel and hear about the amazing experiences of my fellow missionaries, about how God had worked through them in mysterious ways. Sometimes these stories would sink me into a depression that was hard to get out of. But I kept praying and God kept showing me the way. Challenge number three: How do I learn to let go, and let God.

This mission trip really taught me some lessons. First, never lose sight of the bigger picture you can’t see. My job was simply to “plant the seeds” and someone else was to make them grow. Second, you have to let God lead. Nothing good can happen unless you let God lead in your life. When I finally let God take control, everything turned out the way I had dreamed it would. God is amazing!
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