What are You Waiting For?

August 3 2006 / ShareHim in Belize, Jul. 14 - Jul. 29 '06 #42
by Jean Cusack

Campaign Site Narrative from Mount Zion Tab., Belice City in Belize. The speaker assigned to this site was Jean Cusack.

The following was given by Lisa Lewis during the Sabbath School time on July 29, 2006. Lisa was baptized on July 26, 2006. Lisa is 12 years old. (Lisa read this and gave me a copy, so I am typing it as written by Lisa)

First I would like to thank God for letting me be here today, and I would also like to thank the evangelist Mrs. Jean Cusack for the very wonderful and inspiring messages she has brought to us from God's Word every night of the crusade.

What really inspired me to get baptized was when I heard that you must be baptized in order for you to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This was something I had been thinking about for a very long time, but I always thought to myself that I was too young and would not be able to live up to my promises to God. But then after listening to the messages I came to realize that time was running out on me and I had to make a serious decision. I asked myself the question, "What if I should die tomorrow. Where would I spend eternity?" I want to die knowing that my sins are forgiven and washed away.

Every night I prayed to God asking Him to help me make the right decision, so on Wednesday night when the call was made to come to the front for baptism, I was very nervous. I knew I wanted to do it, and I knew that the Holy Spirit was calling me, but I felt like something was holding me back. Then I remembered these words “If you are not baptized you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” With all this a voice was still in my head saying, “You are too young.” Then came the words of the evangelist, "What are you waiting for?" That question sunk deep down into my heart. But I was still saying to myself that I was too young. Then another voice said, "Give me one reason why you should not do it." Finally I made up my mind and walked to the front and gave my young life to Jesus. I finally won the battle over myself. I thank God for leading me to make the right decision.
by Lisa Lewis, age 12
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