A Last Minute Change of Sites- Welcome to Kicukiro

August 11 2006 / ShareHim in Rwanda, Jul. 14 - Jul. 29 '06 #49
by Trina Feliciano

Campaign Site Narrative from Gakinjiro, Kigali in Rwanda. The speaker assigned to this site was Trina Feliciano.

Three of us got a ride to go check out our sites the Friday morning before we were to speak. I'd just found out that my site was changed, and I was eager to see what God had in store for me.

On our way to the campaign sites, they did not say which of the three of us would see our site first. The road was filled with craters and it was so dusty. Then, we crossed a tiny bridge over a ditch just large enough for a car to fall into. It was quite the thrilling ride, and I found myself secretly hoping that this site belonged to one of my two friends.

Fortunately, I was wrong. God blessed me with the most AMAZING site of all! (I'm sure the others on our campaign might disagree) We were a perfect fit. God always knows, doesn't He?

I was able to interview several of the people that were going to be baptised and I just wanted to share with you one testimony.

Jacqueline told me, "I got seriously sick and almost lost hope. When I came to these meetings I learned that there is someone willing to receive me and give me hope again. When I heard the sermons and saw the film, how Jesus died for us, though He committed no sin, I thought of how sinful I am, and yet I did not die when I was sick. Then, I knew God had something in store for me. I came to learn there is a place where I can take my sins, die to sin, and be resurrected to eternal life. And what makes me so happy is that I can be forgiven."

What a blessing to be God's instrument of hope as I could share the gospel with these precious people. So many miracles I saw while I was there. The greatest miracle of all is that God could use someone like me to be a part of such a great work as winning souls for His Kingdom!
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