The Best Spiritual Experience

November 5 2011 #514
by Manuel Mateo

Campaign Site Narrative. The speaker assigned to this site was Manuel Mateo.

The experience of preaching the word of God for eight days straight was really amazing, not only for the many comments people told me about drawing closer to Jesus, but also for my own spiritual life and my family’s. It was also great the support received from the local church; everything was well coordinated.
I’d like to share the testimony of 2 persons that were baptized during the campaign, they are Rafaela and Manuelphi:
Rafaela was going through a very difficult situation in her house; her daughter and her husband had been separated for some time and suddenly her daughter decided to leave the house, so she ended up taking care of her 3 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. She found herself in a very depressing situation that she thought there were not solution for. After talking to her one night, God impressed me to tell her that if she puts her trust in God and surrender her life to Him, He would make a great miracle with her and her family.
On Friday night she made a decision to get baptized, and when she talked to her grandchildren about her decision, two of them decided to get baptized with her. That miracle came in just 48 hours.

The second person was my own son Manuelphi; my boy is 8-years-old and he had been praying so the Lord can tell him when He wanted for him to get baptized. It came to my surprise that Saturday morning he told me that God has answered his prayers through me and he wanted to get baptized that day. I had the privilege of getting in the water along with the pastor and baptized my own son. This is been so far the best spiritual experience of my Christian life.
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