Friendship ShareHim Evangelism Works in WI

May 2 2012 #535
by James Fox

Campaign Site Narrative. The speaker assigned to this site was James Fox.

The Madison East Church undertook evangelism with minimal advertising and a strong emphasis in lay involvement. The members of the church strongly embraced this concept and invited James Fox, Conference Ministerial Director, to be speaker for a brief 12 meeting revival/reaping evangelistic meeting.

Support for the meetings was good with 90-220 people in attendance. Members enjoyed the meetings and felt that their own walk with Jesus was enhanced. New Adventists became disciples and confirmed their commitment to Jesus in baptism.

On the closing Sabbath, 5 new believers were added to the church with 5 others making decisions for baptism and 2 others planning rebaptism. The church has since held 2 additional baptisms with plans for more.

Most importantly, the Madison East Church has experienced the grace of God corporately and in the lives of individual believers. After the blessings in this event, the Church is looking forward to another time of refreshing from the Lord in another ShareHim campaign.
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