With God All Things are Possible!

August 22 2006 / ShareHim in Salvador, Jul. 14 - Jul. 29 '06 #57
by Linda Ferguson

Personal Testimony of Linda Ferguson.

July 10, 2006, my 21-day adventure began. That morning I was supposed to drive down to meet other students from Southern Adventist University (SAU) that signed up with Share Him (Global Evangelism) to hold evangelistic series in El Salvador. But, at the last minute, I could not find my passport. Thus, I concluded that I must have left it with the rest of my things in SAU storage. So, I left home without it.

Once at Southern, I searched frantically for my passport but, to no avail. I hurriedly called up my mom and she soon found it. The problem was that there seemed to be no possible way to get it to me before I left early the next morning. But, thank God, He worked a miracle and a UPS man hand delivered it to me at Atlanta International Airport right before I stepped onto the plane!

I made my decision to go to El Salvador rather quickly, before I could chicken out. For the idea of holding an evangelistic meeting was a little frightening. But, I told God, “I’m doing this for you!” True to my word, I preached every night I was there and twice on Sabbaths.

There were two instances where my equipment would not work, but the instant I got up to speak, God made it work! Then one night, I preached about Jesus’ great love that covers our sins so we can stand before God pardoned! And at the end of the sermon I invited those who wanted to lay everything at Jesus’ feet and recommit their lives to Him, to come forward. As I did this, God worked on my heart and tears welled up in my eyes as I realized my sinfulness and desperate need for a Savior. I went down and knelt in front of the alter, and only by my example, did others come forward and join me.

I was also blessed the last night as I tried to describe the beauties of heaven. I told the congregation, though we will be parting tonight, Alaba a Dios! Te vere en el cielo (Praise God! I’ll see you in heaven)!

With the close of the series, God blessed with 25 baptisms in my church and 455 total in our evangelistic campaign. I can’t explain the joy and excitement that has flooded my soul ever since. My pastor’s last words to me were, “Promise me Linda that you will keep preaching for the Lord.” One does not have to give an evangelistic series to witness but we all have a part to play and “when the love of Christ is enshrined in the heart…it cannot be hidden…it will be felt by all with whom we come in contact” (Steps to Christ, 77). Mrs. White goes on to say that God has given us the privilege and opportunity to work with Him to save souls. Jesus is coming soon my friends! Will you heed the Savior’s call to service? Believe me, you will never regret it!
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