The Rest of the Story

October 11 2012 / ShareHim in Cuba - Quiet Hour, Feb. 12 - Feb. 27 '10 #572
by Peggy West

Personal Testimony of Peggy West.

Update: 10/11/2012
My last trip to Cuba, in 2010, I was blessed to go back to Artemisa, the first place that I preached in Cuba. I am still communicating with several of my Cuba friends, and all but one have been Adventists. That one is the one I am writing about.
While we were in Orientation in Miami before my trip in 2010, I received an email from someone there asking me if I would buy and bring to him an external DVD recorder/player for his computer and he would pay me for it. I had no way of getting to a store where they sold them, but prayed that if I should do this, that a way would open so that I could get to an office supply store, and God opened that door for me.
The first Friday night, Maikel was there and I gave him the device, but because it was Sabbath, told him to pay me later. The next night he was there and after the service he handed me the money and I just stuck it in my pocket, not caring if it was the right amount or not.
I didn’t count the money until I got back to the motel, where I discovered that he had given me too much. The next night, I took the change back to him. He didn’t want to take the change, but I put it in his pocket anyway, and told him I was happy to help him.
Maikel was there every night and responded to most of the altar calls, but he wasn’t baptised.
The last Sabbath I was there, at lunch, there were several families there and his family was one of them, so I got to visit more with them individually. His wife told me that she had never been able to get him to come to anything at church before, but the only night that he missed was one night that he had to teach a class.
Since then, I have heard from him numerous times. He has sent pictures of his family and events at the church. I sent him some information on creation (which was one of his hang-ups) and I sent him a couple chapters from Steps to Christ from the Spanish EGW Estate website. I would have sent him more, but he hadn’t responded that he wanted more, and I felt I should not push too hard.
This morning I got an email from him that made my day!
“Searching the internet I found this address from you. The last time that I wrote I received no reply. I don't know if the mail came. Well I wanted to share with you the joy of baptizing me on May 5. I hope you are well and enjoying good health. I remember always.”
Unfortunately, something happened that I hadn’t gotten his previous message, I am just now learning that one of the seeds I planted has been watered, fed, nurtured, and is now ready to bear fruit. God is good! I can’t wait to see what blessing he provides on my next visit.
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