Just Hold on

July 2 2013 #601
by George Andrews III

Campaign Site Narrative. The speaker assigned to this site was George Andrews III.

When I started the campaign, I had no funds to work with. Then the first day I found that my program had expired. At this time my wife's brother had passed away, so three of the people in my group were gone. I did not know what was wrong with the program so I was on the phone with every department of ShareHim trying to figure out what was wrong. Finally I just grabbed my son and and told him, we are going to have this campaign if we are the only ones here. And the first two days we were. But things fell into place, and I found that giving the campaign was not as hard as I had made it. After the next three meetings I was asked by two of the guests if I would do another campaign, and if they could help. So if things go badly, I suggest you just hold on.
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