Saying Yes to our Lord

April 3 2006 / ShareHim in Ghana, Aug. 27 - Sep. 11 '04 #7
by Frances Ortega

Personal Testimony of Frances Ortega.

When the Lord calls upon you to do something, you must always remember that you need to respond "Yes".

I was just baptized a year before I went on my first evangelistic trip to Ghana, Africa. I had family that really didn't want to go. Also my daughters birthday was during the time I would be gone.

I prayed and prayed for the Lord to give me strength for this challenge. Financial problems kept me praying as well; but the night before we were to leave for Ghana, all the funds I needed for the trip were in hand.

The people in Ghana are some of the sweetest people that I have ever met. They made me feel comfortable, and most of all they made me part of their family in Christ. I wish them all the best there, and I send them many prayers.

My advice to anyone who reads this is that if you have the opportunity to go and do something that the Lord impresses you to do, then you should go; you should tell the Lord "YES".

God bless,

Frances Ortega
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